A surprising sea and mountain: glazed shallots stuffed with squid

🧅 Shallot is an onion family bulb widely used in French #cuisine but also in our haute cuisine, since its flavor is softer, sweeter and more aromatic than traditional onion. In addition, it is now much easier to find in our usual fruit stores or supermarkets.
We will be able to distinguish it by its small size, somewhat larger than a clove of garlic, and its reddish-brown rind. When selecting them, make sure they are hard to guarantee the best raw materials for your dishes 😉 What dishes do you usually use them in? We give you a delicious idea where to use them:
Soy Glazed Shallots
This fantastic recipe for sweet shallots will allow you to add them to your salads, fill them with whatever you want or accompany them with meat or fish. To do this we only have to:
Shallots, featherless squid cut into pieces. For the sauce: mayonnaise + ginger
– Step 1: Peel the shallot , removing the peel and the first layer of skin, which we will find much harder.
– Step 2: Preheat a frying pan with a little oil and sauté the whole uncut shallots until the outer skin is golden brown.
– Step 3: Add the soy to the same pan with the shallots until it covers them whole.
– Step 4: Lower the heat and let it reduce slowly until the shallots are tender and the soybeans have a caramel appearance and texture.
Once tender we will have our finished shallots with an incredible flavor.
Glazed shallots stuffed with squid
– Step 1: We use the glazed shallots from the previous recipe.
– Step 2: First of all, what we will do is empty the center of the shallot to keep the outer skin. Emptying them is very simple, we will only have to squeeze it with our fingers from one end and it will come out on its own.
– Step 3: For the squid filling, we clean the squid well or ask our trusted fishmonger to clean it. Next we cut it with the knife as small as we can (also called brunoise ) and reserve it in a bowl.
– Step 4: To season the squid we are going to make a ginger mayonnaise in a very simple way. We peel the ginger and add it to the mayonnaise. We put everything in the blender until we have a fine and delicate sauce.
– Step 5: We put a spoonful of this mayonnaise on the squid and mix well. We add salt and we already have our filling.
All that remains is to fill it, which we can do with a small spoon or with a pastry bag. And so we have finished this simple recipe worthy of a Michelin star.