Granizado de tomate con mozzarela y pesto

Tomato granita with mozzarella and pesto

We bring you the step by step to make your own tomato granita with mozzarella and pesto. All the flavor of Italy in a summery and very, very refreshing starter. 😊

Ingredients :
πŸ’  400 ml crushed tomato
πŸ’  Β½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
πŸ’  Β½ teaspoon sugar
πŸ’  Β½ teaspoon white pepper
πŸ’  Β½ teaspoon salt
πŸ’  70 g mozzarella pearls
πŸ’  50 g grated parmesan
πŸ’  50 g pine nuts
πŸ’  20 g fresh basil
πŸ’  100 ml olive oil
πŸ’  Β½ teaspoon salt


Preparation :

  1. Mix the crushed tomato with the Worcestershire sauce, sugar, pepper and salt. Pour into an ice cube tray and freeze.
  2. For the granita , add the freezer tomato cubes to a blender and blend. Stir with the spatula and repeat
  3. For the pesto sauce , add the chopped garlic, chopped basil, oil and salt to the blender. Blend until you have a slightly grainy sauce. Serve the granita in a bowl, decorate with the Mozzarella pearls and some fresh basil leaves and dress with the pesto sauce.

Tip: consume immediately or store the granita in the freezer until ready to serve. For a more intense flavor, toast the pine nuts in a pan before making the pesto.

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