Amercook's blog

Cómo organizar las comidas de la semana

How to organize meals for the week

For back to school the fundamental thing is organization 🤓. You can prepare many dishes in advance using the glass jar trick.

How to organize meals for the week

For back to school the fundamental thing is organization 🤓. You can prepare many dishes in advance using the glass jar trick.

Plato combinado sano y nutritivo

Healthy and nutritious combination plate

One of our resolutions for September is to start eating better. Traditionally thecombo plate It has had a bad reputation due to the poor quality of its ingredients, the excess...

Healthy and nutritious combination plate

One of our resolutions for September is to start eating better. Traditionally thecombo plate It has had a bad reputation due to the poor quality of its ingredients, the excess...

Amercook colabora con la Fundación Síndrome de West

Amercook collaborates with the West Syndrome Fo...

See this post on Instagram Apart from thanking all those companies and individuals who contribute their two cents so that we can continue where we are, giving care and support...

Amercook collaborates with the West Syndrome Fo...

See this post on Instagram Apart from thanking all those companies and individuals who contribute their two cents so that we can continue where we are, giving care and support...

Morcilla de berenjena del chef

Chef's eggplant blood sausage

The chef Pablo González tells you how to prepare a vegetable blood sausage with aubergine and onion, a delicious vegan and vegetarian recipe so typical of the Murcia region.

Chef's eggplant blood sausage

The chef Pablo González tells you how to prepare a vegetable blood sausage with aubergine and onion, a delicious vegan and vegetarian recipe so typical of the Murcia region.

Pulpo á feira tradicional

Octopus at traditional fair

Today we are going to visit the north to teach you how to prepare an octopus à feira worthy of the best pulperías in Galicia. The main trick to getting...

Octopus at traditional fair

Today we are going to visit the north to teach you how to prepare an octopus à feira worthy of the best pulperías in Galicia. The main trick to getting...

Tip: Consigue platos fríos deliciosos

Tip: Get delicious cold dishes

🍅🍓🍊 A very effective and simple way to get cold spoon dishes quickly is to have ice cubes in the freezer with the main ingredient coffee, salmorejo, vichyssoise, fruit juice...

Tip: Get delicious cold dishes

🍅🍓🍊 A very effective and simple way to get cold spoon dishes quickly is to have ice cubes in the freezer with the main ingredient coffee, salmorejo, vichyssoise, fruit juice...