Amercook's blog

Arroz negro con sepia y gambas, una receta de @CristinaFerrer

Black rice with cuttlefish and shrimp, a recipe...

See this post on Instagram A shared post by Cristina Ferrer| Easy Cooking (@cristinaferrer)

Black rice with cuttlefish and shrimp, a recipe...

See this post on Instagram A shared post by Cristina Ferrer| Easy Cooking (@cristinaferrer)

Bacalao con callos y boletus en cazuela Terracotta

Cod with tripe and boletus in Terracotta casserole

A few days ago we were able to enjoy this delicious recipe designed by Chef Peña on the program Cocina al punto con Peña y Tamara on RTVE. In it...

Cod with tripe and boletus in Terracotta casserole

A few days ago we were able to enjoy this delicious recipe designed by Chef Peña on the program Cocina al punto con Peña y Tamara on RTVE. In it...

Filetes rusos de boniato y quinoa al grill

Grilled Russian sweet potato and quinoa fillets

What better way to debut our new range of grills than with a recipe for grilled Russian sweet potato and quinoa fillets? Take note because this alternative to the traditional...

Grilled Russian sweet potato and quinoa fillets

What better way to debut our new range of grills than with a recipe for grilled Russian sweet potato and quinoa fillets? Take note because this alternative to the traditional...

Quiche de verduras en cazuela al horno

Vegetable quiche in baked casserole

Issalty tart So typical of French cuisine, it is one of the recipes that we like the most because of how grateful it is and because it allows you to...

Vegetable quiche in baked casserole

Issalty tart So typical of French cuisine, it is one of the recipes that we like the most because of how grateful it is and because it allows you to...

Milanesa de pollo con rebozado de avena

Chicken Milanese with oatmeal batter

We love experimenting with traditional dishes and giving them a spin to make them a little healthier. That is why today we propose this review of the classic Milanese, introducing...

Chicken Milanese with oatmeal batter

We love experimenting with traditional dishes and giving them a spin to make them a little healthier. That is why today we propose this review of the classic Milanese, introducing...

Plato combinado sano y nutritivo

Healthy and nutritious combination plate

One of our resolutions for September is to start eating better. Traditionally thecombo plate It has had a bad reputation due to the poor quality of its ingredients, the excess...

Healthy and nutritious combination plate

One of our resolutions for September is to start eating better. Traditionally thecombo plate It has had a bad reputation due to the poor quality of its ingredients, the excess...